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Vehicle Evidence

Vehicle Evidence

In addition to the standard evidence generated by players in the game world, r14-evidence extends the ability of police to conduct investigations and recover evidence by allowing them to search vehicles for casings, blood, fingerprints, and signs of tampering with either the exterior locks of a vehicle or the ignition. Unlike standard evidence, however, these vehicle evidence types offer database persitence for owned player vehicles which will remain in a vehicle for up to 14 days by default or a number of days that you configure! When eventually found by police, they will be able to bag them using an empty evidence bag and have all the same information from a standard evidecne drop in addition to the plate it was recovered from.

Officers can search vehicles and recover multiple types of evidence for their investgiations

Car Blood

When taking damage, or bleeding out from a wound they have sustained, if players are riding in a vehicle at the time they will generate blood evidence within the vehicle which can be found by investigators. This evidence drop will show DNA and blood type just like normal blood, but also show the seat that the player was sitting in at the time.

Searching a vehicle to recover car blood. An evidence bag containing the blood recovered from the vehicle and the information it is tagged with.

Car Casings

Firing a weapon from a vehicle will no longer drop every single casing into the street with r14-evidence, if you do not take proactive measures to clean your vehicle out after a driveby shooting, police attempting to investigate your link to it will have the potential to recover shell casings from your car even after a server reset. By default, 2 out of 3 casings will land inside the vehicle, but this chance can be adjusted in the config by changing the value of Config.VehCasingChance to a number between 1 and 100.

Searching a vehicle to recover car blood. An evidence bag containing the blood recovered from the vehicle and the information it is tagged with.

Optional Vechicle Evidence

For servers running either the default qb-vehiclekeys resource or another non-encrypted resource, following the setup guide included in this documentation will enable additional types of vehicle evidence that your police can discover in the game world. While these evidence types are fully optional, they assist officers in dealing with some of the most common crimes commmitted on a server, either by leaving evidence of who attempted to steal a vehicle through fingerprint evidence, or by offering additional evidence that a vehicle has been broken into or otherwise tampered with.

Car Fingerprints

Just because a suspect was able to pick the locks, start the car, and drive off before police were able to respond doesn't mean that they are free and clear. Not only will they still have to contend with the possibility of a flagged plate, but the fact that officers will be able to identify that their vehicle has been forcibly entered and the ignition forcibly started, and potentially even their fingerprints all over the crimescene. Additionally, officers can leave their fingerprint on the exterior of a vehicle during a traffic stop, potentially leaving behind crucial physical evidence in the event it turns into far more than a simple ticket.

Searching a vehicle for fingerprints. An evidence bag containing the fingerprint recovered from the vehicle. Leave proof of your contact with a vehicle before the worst happens.

Exterior Tamperings

When responding to reports of successful or attempted vehicle theft, or even just when encountering a suspicious vehicle during routine police work, your officers will be able to discover signs of forcible entry to aid their investigations. The first and most simple way to do this would be through the Investigate Vehicle qb-target interaction in which an officer conducts a visual inspection of the vehicle without entering it. This interaction will also create a chat message for the officer that they can reference if needed later. However, they can also gain this information by conducting an evidence sweep of the vehicle, assuming that they have the right to do so!

Discovering signs of an attempted vehicle break-in via investigate vehicle. Discovering signs of an attempted vehicle break-in via conduct evidence sweep.

Ignition Tamperings

Like the evidence of exterior tamperings that officers can observe in their investigations, when conducting a full evidence sweep of a vehicle, police can also discover signs that the ignition of the vehicle was tampered with or forcibly started. While it will be up to the officer to determine whether a suspect broke into the vehicle and lockpicked the ignition, or if they simply forgot their keys and needed to get their vehicle home, this information is quickly and easily available to officers in the field to discover!

Discovering signs of an attempted vehicle break-in via conduct evidence sweep.